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Section: Economics of Trade and Services
UDC 338.48
Papp V. V.
The Tourism Potential of the National Nature Parks (by the Example of Zakarpattia Region) (p. 223 - 229)

The article examines the theoretical-methodical questions of the contemporary development of tourism in the protected natural territories. An analysis of both the status and the prospects of development of natural parks in the Zakarpattia Region in the direction of tourist-and-recreational activities was conducted. A number of problems that hamper the development of tourism in the national parks has been identified, such as lack of common methods for determining the recreational charge and monitoring, as well as a clear legal provision of recreation in the nature reserves and national parks; worn-out infrastructure; lack of quality promotional materials, no opportunities for entering the international market of ecotourism. It has been proved that a complex solution to the problems related to the development of tourism in national parks requires attraction of external resources (intellectual, material and financial), as well as building partnerships with local authorities, various commercial and non-profit organizations, local residents. Measures to improve the activities of tourist-and-recreational institutions related to the protected natural fund of the region, which can be implemented through the effective use of their resources, development of environmental and ecological-cultural tourist routes, as well as planning, managing and monitoring of the tourism activity, has been proposed.
Keywords: natural-resource potential, national nature park, natural resources, tourist-and-recreational resources, region, development, tourist route
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Papp Vasyl V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Management, Management of Economic Processes and Tourism, Mukachevo State Unіversity (26 Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, 89600, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Papp, Vasyl V. (2015) “The Tourism Potential of the National Nature Parks (by the Example of Zakarpattia Region).” Business Inform 9:223–229.

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