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Section: Foreign Experience
UDC 336.15
Piontko N. B.
Foreign Models of Financial Equalization, Prospects for Implementation in Ukraine (p. 43 - 54)

The article is aimed to identify the models of financial equalization applied in foreign countries, and to substantiate the possibilities for use of foreign experience in terms of financial equalization or individual elements of such models on the territory of Ukraine, for taking into consideration the foreign tools of financial equalization in the context of the State regional policy reforms is a priority and urgent task of the present day. During the generalization and systematization of scientific works by numerous domestic and foreign scientists, models of financial equalization, depending on the form of state structure in the country, have been identified. Determinants of the necessity of financial equalization were analyzed, such as: the imbalance between the own financial security and the level of assigned tasks; the level of fiscal decentralization. Methods of income and expenditures equalization, applied in vertical or horizontal levels for balancing regional development, have been substantiated. Features of expansion of financial security of budgets by using innovative tools for equalization have been determined. A comparison of the models of financial equalization in foreign countries was made and the major tasks for improving the mechanism and organization of financial equalization of budgets in Ukraine were defined. Prospects for further research in this area are diversification of tools for financial equalization, defining the investment component in the structure of budgets' incomes and studying the activities of sub-central authorities in the financial market.
Keywords: financial equalization, form of state structure, fiscal decentralization, budget imbalance, form of financial equalization, inter-budget transfer, sub-central level
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 27.

Piontko Nataliia B. – Postgraduate Student, Financial Management Research Institute of Academy of Finance of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (38 Druzhby Narodiv Blvd., Kyiv, 01014, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Piontko, Nataliia B. (2015) “Foreign Models of Financial Equalization, Prospects for Implementation in Ukraine.” Business Inform 9:43–54.

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