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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 005.52: 005.9
Minenkova O. V.
An Analysis of the Current Analytical Methods for Management of the Enterprise Activities (p. 415 - 420)

The article analyzes the current analytical methods for management of the activities of industrial enterprises. Special attention is paid to allocating the advantages and disadvantages of the economic management methods, which are based on concepts and methodologies of information systems as well as IT-technologies. Complexity of adjusting these methods to the working conditions of domestic enterprises have been specified. A detailed analysis of the analytical economic methods, based on the balanced scorecard (BSC), has been conducted. Objectives and principles for evaluation of activities of enterprise according to BSC have been substantiated. Since today the domestic industrial enterprises are operating in the extremely difficult economic conditions dependent on the socio-political processes that are going on in the country, the effectiveness of activities is subject to the methods and tools used by administration in the management activities. This can be provided only by means of the analytical economic method, which provides for consideration of enterprise from the position of system approach, i.e. – in the light of the processes, mechanisms, structural organization, manifestation forms on the one hand, and the mission, policies, strategic objectives on the other. The article suggests a structural model of the analytical method for management of enterprise. One of the core places in this method hold measures, criteria of efficiency and the key factors of effectiveness that constitute the analytical provision of the method.
Keywords: management method, analytical economic management method, advantages and disadvantages, adjustment, structural model of the analytical method
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Minenkova Olena V. – Applicant, Department of Mathematics and Economics and Mathematical Methods, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Minenkova, Olena V. (2015) “An Analysis of the Current Analytical Methods for Management of the Enterprise Activities.” Business Inform 9:415–420.

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