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Section: Information Technologies in the Economy
UDC 339.9:330.47
Sazonets О. M., Kachan O. I.
Evaluation of Information Security in both Corporate Economics and Socio-Economic Relations (p. 112 - 118)

The article is aimed at studying the threats and possible measures for improving the effectiveness of information security of Ukraine at the present stage of development on the basis of statistical processing of results of a survey by experts on information security in both the corporate economics and the socio-economic relations. On the basis of the expert survey, ways of obtaining information have been examined and the degree of credibility, depending on sources, on the part of respondents has been analyzed. The essence of the concept of information security has been considered. The potential threats to information security of Ukraine in political, public, military, humanitarian, scientific and technical spheres, as well as possibility of their occurrence for national and international corporations have been evaluated. The most possible measure, necessary to increase information security in Ukraine, according to respondents, is to increase the efficiency of information systems to protect against cybercrime and cyberterrorism as well as establishment of the necessary regulatory, financial and other prerequisites to help development of competition in the national market for information services.
Keywords: informatization of society, information security, expert survey, statistical analysis of data
Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 10.

Sazonets Оlga M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department, Department of International Economics, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (11 Soborna Str., Rivne, 33028, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kachan Olena I. – Assistant, Department of International Economics, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (11 Soborna Str., Rivne, 33028, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Sazonets, Оlga M., and Kachan, Olena I. (2015) “Evaluation of Information Security in both Corporate Economics and Socio-Economic Relations.” Business Inform 10:112–118.

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