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Section: Economic Theory
UDC 001.89+005.922.1
Ovcharenko I. I.
The Contemporary Science of Economic Security: the Basic Ontological Contradictions and the Directions of Solving (p. 8 - 14)

The article raises the problem of mismatch as to development paces of separate research directions of the contemporary science of economic security. The absolute majority of researches is concerned with development of the instrumental-methodological basis, but the theoretical-methodological component is undergone insufficiently critical examining, thus leading to contradicting results of the applied researches. The author has found that as the object of knowledge of this science appears the category of security, which leads to misinterpretation of the subject of knowledge. But the real object of knowledge is the risk that is objectively real and measurable. As a subject of knowledge can appear only a holistic development that can exist in a world of dangers, and such is security of enterprise. Role of systematicity and of the concept of system in providing security is open to discussion. The basic directions of solving the accumulated ontological controversies have been identified as follows: artificial focus of new research towards improving the methodological basis of the science of economic security through fundamental revision of passports of scientific specialties, wide use of the maneuver of scientific intervention with a view to integrating the results of the solved scientific problems related with the contemporary science of economic security.
Keywords: economic security, science, methodological basis, object and subject of knowledge, security system
Bibl.: 8.

Ovcharenko Ievgen I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Public Administration, Management and Marketing, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (17 Ioanna Pavla II Str., Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Ovcharenko, Ievgen I. (2016) “The Contemporary Science of Economic Security: the Basic Ontological Contradictions and the Directions of Solving.” Business Inform 11:8–14.

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