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Section: Research Methodology in Economics
UDC 338.24.01
Naumik Y. G.
“Communication Activity” – Category and Notion: Ontological Differences, Specific Features of Study and Development (p. 377 - 383)

The article provides categorisation and development of the essence of the “communication activity” notion. It marks out in the “activity” category, apart from the communication one, production, consumption and cognitive. It marks out in the “communication” category the communication process, communication structure, communication system, etc. It states that joining two categories – “activity” and “communication” – caused joining the contents of two relevant notions. It also states that the problem of correlation of the notion and category is the problem of correlation of the content of statements about a certain notion with this category. It analyses the existing classical definitions of the terms “notion” (process of conceptuation) and “category” (process of categorisation). As a result, it shows consequence in the process of development of the scientific study. The article studies specific features of formation of categories and notions, identifies their correlation in the process of creation of scientific and methodological notional basis of the study and reveals functions of notions and categories in their correlation. It states that one of the main functions of the notion, and, as a result, of the process of conceptuation, is attaching a clear shape to the studies phenomenon through marking out the common. Additionally, the article specifies the gnoseological aspect of explanation of categories, when the phenomenon is perceived earlier than the essence and existence aspect of category explanation are determined, when the essence of existence is prime.
Keywords: activity, category, categorisation, communication activity, communication, notion, conceptuation
Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 18.

Naumik Yekaterina G. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Naumik, Yekaterina G. (2013) ““Communication Activity” – Category and Notion: Ontological Differences, Specific Features of Study and Development.” Business Inform 6:377–383.

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