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The World Experience Concerning the State Support for the Electroenergetic Market Actors
Biriukov I. I.

Biriukov, Iegor I. (2019) “The World Experience Concerning the State Support for the Electroenergetic Market Actors.” Business Inform 10:25–30.

Section: Foreign Experience

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article analyzes the main features and tendencies of the energy industry in the world countries. The world’s main innovative energy regulatory measures, as well as major innovations in energy production are allocated. It is determined that the prevailing part of European countries is more than 50% energy-dependent. It is defined that the main reasons for the need to reform the electroenergetic systems are both evolutionary (in cases where it is caused by objective preconditions) and spontaneous. It is determined that tariff formation is a key aspect of the energy markets regulation, which is due to a combination of components that reflect directly the cost of electricity as a commodity, and also include the cost of additional services, transportation, compensation, thus impacting on the entire organizational and functional mechanism of the electricity market. It is proved that interstate cooperation increases the importance of interstate and international relations with regard to the mechanism for implementing export-import operations. It is defined that the system of operation of the electricity industry sector has demonstrated inefficiency and low adaptability in the conditions of the rise in the cost of hydrocarbon fuel, which leads to the need to modernize and introduce new generating capacities. It is indicated that the provision of advanced demand for electricity leads to an urgent need to restructure the entire electroenergetic complex. It is determined that in order to overcome the identified problems of electroenergetics, most foreign countries have developed concepts and launched the implementation of priority tasks in the direction of structural reform of the electroenergetic sector.

Keywords: market, electroenergetics, tariffs, the State regulation, cost of electricity.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Biriukov Iegor I. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management and Public Administration, Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University (3 Khersonskyi Lane, Kyiv, 02660, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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