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Measuring the Efficiency of the Processes of Functioning of a Component System Based on the Models of the Efficiency Constituents: The Energy Aspect
Yarmolenko V. О., Burennikova N. V.

Yarmolenko, Viktor О., and Burennikova, Nataliia V. (2019) “Measuring the Efficiency of the Processes of Functioning of a Component System Based on the Models of the Efficiency Constituents: The Energy Aspect.” Business Inform 12:102–110.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.3:338.24:303.22:631.1:51–77

The article is aimed at improving the development and disclosure of the methodology for measuring the efficiency of the processes of functioning of a component system based on the models of the efficiency constituents and the use of advantages and costs of processes in their aggregate products in terms of energy approach. Three types of performance indicators of a component system, proposed in previously published works by the authors, were analyzed as follows: the ratio of the processes’ aggregate product indicators to the cost indicators; the ratio of the processes’ net product indicators to the aggregate product indicators; average geometric values of these two types of indicators. New approaches have been proposed to the method of measuring newly formed authors’ own performance indicators of a component system in terms of the use of advantages and costs of processes in their aggregate products. Novation in this sense is that the approaches we have proposed address the problem of simultaneously measuring the efficiency of the processes of functioning of a component system (using the performance indicators of the specified three types) irrespective of the units of measurement of their aggregate, net products and costs, as it all comes down to a disproportionate unit of measurement in the form of advantages and costs of processes in their aggregate products, and the average performance indicators of the processes of functioning of a component system (arithmetic and geometric) to some extent can be considered characteristics of the relevant indicators of the efficiency of the process of functioning and the system itself. Underlined is the following: since the value of the authors’ own indicators of aggregate products, products as costs and net products of the subprocesses within the process of functioning of system are equal to the values of the energy indicators of these products, research of certain processes (including the processes of functioning of a component system) based on the indicators for these products means that they are scientifically considered in the energy aspect. Examples show the practical implementation of this methodology. It is noted that the obtained results can be used to make certain managerial decisions regarding both the system components and the system (its status, structure, behavior, etc.) as a whole. Further research is planned to be linked to the identification of the role played by measurements of the newly formed indicators of the processes of functioning of a component system and the suggested methodology in the SEE analysis and SEE management, carried out by the authors.

Keywords: process efficiency, energy approach, process products energy, aggregate, net, cost-effective and large-scale process products, efficiency coefficient of process, scale, efficiency and effectiveness of process, Burennikova (Polishchuk) – Yarmolenko model.

Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 30.

Yarmolenko Viktor О.
Burennikova Nataliia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Production Management, Vinnytsia National Technical University (95 Khmelnytske Chss, Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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