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Defining the Priority Vectors and Mechanisms for Regulatory Policy of Development of the Small-Sized Entrepreneurship in Ukraine
Moroz S. H.

Moroz, Svitlana H. (2019) “Defining the Priority Vectors and Mechanisms for Regulatory Policy of Development of the Small-Sized Entrepreneurship in Ukraine.” Business Inform 2:247–251.

Section: Problems of Business

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.24:334.012.64

Nowadays imperfection of the State regulation of small-sized entrepreneurship, absence of systemacity in usage of regulatory mechanisms in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity can cause high level of shadowing the economy, therefore it is necessary to define priority vectors and mechanisms of the regulatory policy of development of the small-sized entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The publication proves that the system of mechanisms and certain instruments of the State policy should be formed on the basis of key vectors of probable regulatory influence on promotion of the sector of small-sized entrepreneurship. Taking into view the current status of quality of regulatory policy along with tendencies of development of the national sector of small-sized entrepreneurship, priority vectors and mechanisms of regulatory policy development of small-sized entrepreneurship in Ukraine are substantiated and represented by diagrams, including the following: planning; monitoring, analysis, diagnostics; deregulation; information-communication policy; economic and organizational support of business. The results of an applied improvement of the regulatory policy of development of small-sized entrepreneurship in Ukraine are described.

Keywords: regulatory policy, small-sized entrepreneurship, vectors of regulatory policy, regulatory mechanisms, regulatory instruments.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Moroz Svitlana H. – Head of, Poltava Branch of the National Scientific Center «Institute of Forensic Expertise named after Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius» (1/1 Churaivny Str., Poltava, 36004, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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