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The Theoretical Aspects of the Anti-Crisis Management of Enterprise’s Finance Diadin A. S.
Diadin, Andrii S. (2019) “The Theoretical Aspects of the Anti-Crisis Management of Enterprise’s Finance.” Business Inform 2:401–406.
Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 4 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 336.64
Abstract: The article provides the theoretical substantiation of the system of anti-crisis management of enterprise’s finance in market conditions. An analysis of scientific literature concerning the concept of «enterprise crisis» is carried out, allowing to conclude that in definition of the term of «financial crisis of enterprise» identity of concepts of «crisis situation», «crisis of enterprise», on the one hand, and «bankruptcy», «inconsistence», and «insolvency of enterprise», on the other is inappropriate. The stages of financial crisis at enterprise are allocated as follows: latent, where the force of negative influence is minimal; stage of aggravation, where the force of negative crisis influence tends to the maximum; stage of resolving the crisis, characterized by a decline in the negative force and the creation of preconditions for overcoming the crisis situation. A classification and a typology of enterprise crises are presented. The role-playing functions of crisis are identified and researched. The author proves the expediency to define financial crisis not as a static state, but as a dynamic, time-limited process, where the basis for the characteristic of phases in the limits of crisis process constitute the force and duration of action.
Keywords: financial crisis, renewal, enterprise, typology of crises, competitiveness, equilibrium, transformations.
Bibl.: 11.
Diadin Andrii S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Social and Economic Disciplines, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (27 Lva Landau Ave., Kharkіv, 61080, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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