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Theoretical Bases for Development of Electronic Business
Pilevych D. S.

Pilevych, Dmytro S. (2019) “Theoretical Bases for Development of Electronic Business.” Business Inform 5:67–72.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.6:004.738.5

The aim of the article is to enhance the theoretical principles for development of electronic business. The basic features of e-business as a separate, holistic object of research are described. These include the following: e-business – a type of economic activity; an activity intended for generating income; an activity in which information and communication technologies and networks are actively used; an activity in which information and communication technologies and networks play a leading role in all business processes: consumption, exchange, distribution, and production; an activity which creates added value. Taking into account the results obtained, it is proposed to consider the essence of e-business as follows: e-business is a type of economic activity in which information and communication technologies and networks are actively used, their application making it possible to create added value and generate income. Special attention is also paid to the selection of individual elements in the e-business system and their grouping. In particular, the elements include the following: electronic commerce, electronic consulting, electronic payment services, electronic provision of information, electronic employment, electronic financial services, electronic educational services, electronic marketing.

Keywords: e-business, e-commerce, information and communication technologies, e-service, economic activity.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 19.

Pilevych Dmytro S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management Accounting, Business Analytics and Statistics, National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (31 Universytetska Str., Irpіn, Kyiv region, 08201, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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