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The Client-Focusedness of Organization as a Socio-Economic Category
Kovalevskyi V. O., Yushkevych O. O.

Kovalevskyi, Volodymyr O., and Yushkevych, Olena O. (2019) “The Client-Focusedness of Organization as a Socio-Economic Category.” Business Inform 6:246–251.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.8.01

The article systematizes the views of scholars as to the essence and content of the concept of «client-focusedness» and proposes the conceptual apparatus of client-focusedness of organization as a socio-economic category, necessary for theoretical cognition of phenomena and processes of forming a client-focused management system of enterprise. The content of the concepts of «client» and «consumer» is demarcated in order to choose the right objects for the marketing actions of the enterprise. The client-focusedness of organization is researched depending on the level of development. An evolutionary approach to management of enterprise is applied in terms of transforming the classical marketing into the strategic client-focused management in the following directions: redistribution of responsibility according to results of sales among all structural elements of organization; creating a quality that is visible to client, including, in addition to the marketing instruments, competences of all departments of the enterprise; building the marketing of relationships with the key counterparties. The main reasons for the restrictions on the use of client-focused approach by enterprises are defined. The authors’ own definition of «client-focusedness of organization as a socio-economic category» is proposed, which is based on a systematic approach to meeting and forming the needs of clients at all levels of the enterprise’s management. Prospect for further research in this direction is the formation of a client-focused system of management of enterprise.

Keywords: client-focusedness of organization, client, consumer, client-focused behavior, loyal client.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 15.

Kovalevskyi Volodymyr O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (103 Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Yushkevych Olena O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (103 Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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