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The Factors of Quality of Statistical Information Which is Formed by the State Statistics of Ukraine about Administrative Offenses Hinchuk L. I.
Hinchuk, Liliia I. (2019) “The Factors of Quality of Statistical Information Which is Formed by the State Statistics of Ukraine about Administrative Offenses.” Business Inform 6:95–99.
Section: Economic statistics
Article is written in EnglishDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 311.3:342.9
Abstract: The article considers the factors of ensuring the quality of statistical information of the State statistical observation regarding administrative offenses in Ukraine. It is proved that the category of quality of information about administrative offenses is multifaceted and is defined as a system of measuring the quality of information on administrative misconducts, each of which displays a separate aspect of functioning of society and the State. It is indicated that changes in the legislation and introduction of new reporting forms do not fully reflect the real situation in the sphere of quality of information about administrative offenses in the State because of absence of the data on a significant number of administrative offenses. This arrangement makes it impossible to verify the quality of information about administrative offenses and thus complicates the possibility of developing a system of measures to prevent the commission of new administrative offenses. Improving the quality of the indicated information needs to develop new statistical forms to generalize information on administrative offenses by industry branches, especially concerning administrative offenses in transport, in the customs sphere, and anti-corruption offenses, information on which is the most accessible to date.
Keywords: administrative offenses, the State statistical observation, quality of statistical data.
Bibl.: 17.
Hinchuk Liliia I. – Head of the Department, Department of Legal Support, State Statistics Service of Ukraine (3 Shota Rustaveli Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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