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The Strategic Development of Territories Based on Overcoming the Regional Asymmetries
Zabarna E. M.

Zabarna, Eleonora M. (2019) “The Strategic Development of Territories Based on Overcoming the Regional Asymmetries.” Business Inform 7:101–107.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in English
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Modern processes of reforming the relationships between the «center» and the «region» as well as the need to create self-sufficient territorial communities require deep researches with the scientifically sound approaches to the formation of regional policy along with Ukraine’s development strategy on the basis of creating legal and financial preconditions for self-government, which is the purpose of this article. The main reasons for the increase in asymmetry in the regional development are defined, one of the reasons which are highlighted is that regions with diversely structured economy adapt to the new economic conditions differently. It is shown that interregional differences are a reflection of the increasing differentiation between the economic (differences in ownership and sectors of the economy) and the social (different groups of the population) constituents. An analysis of the development of Ukraine’s regions is carried out in terms of GDP, the level of competitiveness in industrial production, the innovation activity of the real sector, the human resources, and operation of the labor market. It is indicated that the main task of reforming the regional development of the State should be the creation of regional democracy as a system that efficiently and consistently enables the State with a complex regional structure, territorial communities with different cultural and linguistic compositions to live in harmony and economic well-being. Particular attention should be focused on: providing conditions for the regional economic and budgetary self-sufficiency; creating the conditions for inflows of investment to restructure regional economies; creating a new communal utilities system involving both regional and local government bodies; reforming the fiscal-budgetary and tax system in accordance with the needs of regions; developing plans and strategies for the development of individual territories; settling the rules and regulations of the land market; a clear definition of the role and place of local authorities in the management of public property.

Keywords: regional development, strategy, territorial communities, restructuring, resource mobilization, differentiation, potential.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Zabarna Eleonora M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economic Systems and Management of Innovation Development, Odesa National Polytechnic University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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