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The Strategic Positions of Sustainable Development of Machine-Building Enterprises: The Innovative Provision
Sekirozh Y. V.

Sekirozh, Yaroslav V. (2020) “The Strategic Positions of Sustainable Development of Machine-Building Enterprises: The Innovative Provision.” Business Inform 10:400–407.

Section: Management and Marketing

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The article defines that the implementation of the strategy for managing the innovative sustainable development of machine-building enterprises consists in selecting and using the effective internal mechanisms for crisis neutralization at enterprises. The measures are divided into operational and strategic, defensive and offensive. At the same time, operational measures should be carried out within the terms of the chosen strategy and can be both defensive or offensive, while strategic measures bear offensive nature exclusively. Defensive operational measures do not require significant time spent and raising additional funds for their preparation and conduct and should be carried out as part of a «reduction strategy». Offensive operational measures are advisable to use after defensive ones in the implementation of «strategy of reduced growth». Strategic measures require more than one year to be implemented and do attract significant additional investments. They are the basis of the «growth strategy» and consist in the restoration of equipment, improving the quality of products, improving the organization of production and labor, finding new markets, implementing progressive technologies, developing new types of production, elaborating a common concept of sustainable development of enterprise. It is concluded that the implementation of the strategy of management of innovative provision for sustainable development of machine-building enterprises is carried out, starting with the implementation of the most effective programs through defensive operational measures. If the results of these measures did not allow enterprises to achieve the targets and move to a zone with a lower level of crisis, it is necessary to move to offensive operational measures, and if necessary – to strategic innovation-managerial measures, adjusting the programs taking into account the new position of the enterprise in the matrix of statuses. According to the results of control, the management of machine-building enterprises makes the necessary adjustments aimed at improving the efficiency of strategic management of innovative provision of sustainable development.

Keywords: innovation provision, evaluation, enterprise, forecasting, sustainable development, efficiency, strategy.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Sekirozh Yaroslav V. – Assistant, Department of Economics and Management, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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