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Global Trends in the Business Processes Management of Enterprise
Wang Dongcheng

Wang, Dongcheng. (2020) “Global Trends in the Business Processes Management of Enterprise.” Business Inform 10:407–412.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at researching and making a generalization of modern world-wide trends observed in the sphere of the business processes management of enterprise. The article stipulates the need to study modern trends in the sphere of the business processes management of enterprise. The dynamics of interest in the sphere of the business processes management and its nature in modern enterprises is examined. The projects that are of more significant interest among entrepreneurs in the sphere of development of management of own business processes are defined. The rating of the most common factors that act as the driving force for the focus of the enterprises’ activity on changing business processes has been built. The costs of managing changes in relation to the total costs associated with the implementation of ERP projects at enterprises are analyzed. The approaches to building up the architecture of business processes used in modern organizations are researched. The modern attitude of companies to the role of process manager in changing the business processes of enterprise is studied. It is determined how the vast majority of business processes management professionals approach to expanding their competencies and researching modern world trends. The generalization of modern world trends in the sphere of the business processes management is specified. The role of the digital revolution and the corresponding emergence of new types of business management technologies have been defined. Examples of the combination of modern digital technologies and business processes management instruments are provided. The essence of the intellectualization of process systems and the introduction of low-code platforms for the elaboration and development of the enterprise’s business processes management system are considered. The directions of possible development of business processes management systems are defined, which will provide the possibility of free combination of a wide range of digital technologies, namely: creation of integrated digital business platforms.

Keywords: business process, business processes management, process approach.

Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 9.

Wang Dongcheng – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management and Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Varzunov, A. V., Torosian, Ye. K., and Sazhneva, L. P. Analiz i upravleniye biznes-protsessami [Analysis and Management of Business Processes]. St. Petersburg: Universitet ITMO, 2016.
Koptelov, A. K. “Upravleniye biznes-protsessami: tendentsii mirovogo rynka i strategii krupnykh igrokov“ [Business Process Management: Global Market Trends and Strategies of Major Players].
“Trendy BPM-sistem v 2020 godu“ [BPM System Trends in 2020]. Collaborative Minds Blog. March 01, 2020.
Khammer, M., and Champi, Dzh. Reinzhiniring korporatsii: Manifest revolyutsii v biznese [Reengineering a Corporation: A Manifesto for a Business Revolution]. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2011
Kharrington, Dzh. Sovershenstvo upravleniya protsessami [Excellence in Process Management]. Moscow: Standarty i kachestvo, 2007.


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