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 The Theoretical Principles for Assessing the Efficiency of Use of the Export-Import Potential of Enterprise Fatyanov D. V.
Fatyanov, Daniil V. (2020) “The Theoretical Principles for Assessing the Efficiency of Use of the Export-Import Potential of Enterprise.” Business Inform 12:258–264.
Section: Economics of Enterprise
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) -  |
UDC 005.336:332.146:339.9
Abstract: The article discusses the actual theoretical problems of assessing the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise (EIPE). The complexity of socio-economic conditions of activities of industrial enterprises requires revision of the theory and practice of the management of export potential. The efficiency of export-import activity depends on the efficiency of the use of export-import potential at the enterprise, and this justifies the need to solve the problems of import substitution in the economy. The theoretical principles of the assessment of efficiency of use of EIPP are substantiated as follows: 1) the methodological framework for assessing the export-import potential of enterprises is substantiated, first of all, by the system of basic elements of assessment; 2) the objectivity of assessment depends on an adequate content model of the efficiency of use of this potential; 3) to carry out the assessment, it is important to substantiate a hierarchical system of indicators that reflects the elemental structure of export-import potential and their characterizations, as well as a system of criteria; 4) assessment of the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise is multidimensional and multicriterial; 5) the objectivity of assessment of the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise is determined by the corresponding mathematical instrument used; 6) effective managerial decisions are made on the basis of the results of an assessment of the efficiency of the export-import activity of enterprise. The substantiated theoretical provisions for assessing the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise contain the formed methodological framework of the assessment. The article also proposes a content model of the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise, which includes such components as: structure, elements, processes, mechanisms, types of EIPP, influence factors, indicators, criteria, results, costs, effect, efficiency. The presented improved theoretical approach to assessing the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise ensures its objectivity, adequacy and reliability.
Keywords: industrial enterprise, export-import potential, efficiency assessment, system of hierarchical indicators, mathematical instrumentarium, model of efficiency of use of export-import potential of enterprise.
Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 17.
Fatyanov Daniil V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Higher Mathematics and Economic and Mathematical Methods, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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