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Evaluating the Development of Telecommunication Technology in Digital Society Sperchun A. V., Kudrytska Z. V.
Sperchun, Anton V., and Kudrytska, Zhanna V. (2020) “Evaluating the Development of Telecommunication Technology in Digital Society.” Business Inform 2:156–161.
Section: Economics of Transport and Communications
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Abstract: Accelerated development of innovative technologies contributes to the development of telecommunications. Telecommunications has become an integral part of the functioning of digital society. Digital society, in turn, has undergone significant changes in recent years, so the evaluation of the development of telecommunications needs urgent and timely analysis. The article is concerned with researching the current status of telecommunication technology. Modern problems in the information communications sector in society are considered. Statistics from the past few years are provided to help a better understanding of key tendencies in the industry; a forecast has been formed to take into account the current status of this sector. The major problems of the industry, hindering its development, are considered. Development issues for future periods are also described, the main trends of the development of A2R SMS are illustrated. The most potentially attractive markets for telecommunication services are analyzed and different types of information communications are considered, and the dynamics of changes in the use of illegal routing for future periods are shown. The dynamics of the profitability of different channels of communication are analyzed, the basic SMS services and profitability of these services are researched. The feature of each service is allocated separately. An evaluation of the impact of changes in telecommunication technologies on the economic situation of society is carried out.
Keywords: telecommunication technology, A2R SMS, digital society, data exchange.
Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 13.
Sperchun Anton V. – Master, Department of Economic Cybernetics, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute» (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Kudrytska Zhanna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute» (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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