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The Methodological Features of the Formation of End-to-End Tariff Rates by Multimodal Transportation Operators
Yanchuk M. B.

Yanchuk, Marina B. (2020) “The Methodological Features of the Formation of End-to-End Tariff Rates by Multimodal Transportation Operators.” Business Inform 2:162–167.

Section: Economics of Transport and Communications

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.535.16.656.025.4.03(045)

The research addresses the methodological features of the formation of the cost-efficient end-to-end tariff rates by multimodal transportation operator (MTO) and overall increase in the efficiency of the tariffing process in terms of multimodal transportation. In the context of world practice, the issue of forming a single pricing system for multimodal transportations, regardless of the share of individual types of transport, has been disclosed. The methodology for the formation of the end-to-end tariff for multimodal transportations using several types of transport is substantiated taking into account the economic interests of all participants, which often are working in different spheres, which usually causes an unjustified overestimation of the end-to-end tariff rate. As a result of the research on the practice of forming a tariff for mixed transportation, which includes, respectively, the rules of transportation and tariff rates, it is defined that the rules of transportation should clearly reflect the contractual conditions between client and MTO. It is reasoned that fares should include normal payments for specific transportation operations with standard equipment and the least-cost route and reflect the competitive advantages/disadvantages of each type of transport. The world experience of the methodologically substantiated distribution of end-to-end freight in a freely convertible currency, the efficiency of which is provided by using a specific transport-technological scheme of multimodal transportation, is studied. The issue of improvement and introduction of tariff rules for mixed multimodal transportations, as well as the creation of model rules for the organization of container transportations negotiating with participants in mixed transportation, are updated. The author generalizes the methodical approaches to the formation of a single end-to-end tariff rate by the mixed transportation operator when combining the markets of certain types of transport into a general transport market, and to a single definition and formation of market prices that do not depend on distance and type of transport.

Keywords: multimodal transportation, single end-to-end tariff rate, tariff rules, multimodal transportation operator.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Yanchuk Marina B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Organization of Aviation Work and Services, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute» (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Brodie, P. Commercial Shipping Handbook. Informa Law from Routledge, 2015.


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