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The Innovative Gradients as Attributes of the Digital Economic Development
Lehominova S. V.

Lehominova, Svitlana V. (2020) “The Innovative Gradients as Attributes of the Digital Economic Development.” Business Inform 2:289–294.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.92:339.7

The article is aimed at defining the technological prerequisites for the digitization of the economy, to closer defining the essence and advantages of the term of «digital platform», outlining the problematics of the preservation and protection of information resources (confidential and personal information), cybersecurity. The innovative gradients of digital economic development are characterized through the prism of technological triggers, which require transformational changes in the economy, its digitalization. The author identifies the risks of transition to digitalization and the need for the efficient functioning of three components: regulatory framework for the use of digital technologies; skills that workers, businessmen, civil servants need in order to take advantage of digital technology opportunities; existence of efficient and accountable institutions that use the Internet to empower citizens. The term of «digital platform» is closer defined, which means a systematic approach to both understanding and creating the conditions of the digital economy. Digital economic development is proved to be directly dependent on the rapid introduction of innovative gradients based on the technological triggers, e.g.: BioTech, NanoTech, Digital-marketing, FinTech, BlockChain, RetailTech, LegalTech, Grid Technologies, GovTech, e-ID, thus creating a comfortable environment for the formation of digital platforms. The «digital platform» is characterized as a capable efficient association of market actors, whose efforts will be directed towards obtaining the maximum effect of the established interaction of all participants in the economic process. Active search and engagement with the help of digital platforms of all possible innovative gradients provides the maximum possible benefits to market actors.

Keywords: digital platform, digital economic development, innovative gradients, technological triggers, risks of digitalization.

Bibl.: 10.

Lehominova Svitlana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Information and Cyber Security Management, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomianska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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