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Formation of the conception of Ensuring Balanced Development of the Railway Transport Enterprises in the Conditions of Their Digital Transformation Obruch H. V.
Obruch, Hanna V. (2020) “Formation of the conception of Ensuring Balanced Development of the Railway Transport Enterprises in the Conditions of Their Digital Transformation.” Business Inform 3:119–127.
Section: Economics of Transport and Communications
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 330.3:656.2
Abstract: In the context of deepening global social and environmental destructive phenomena, along with the economic efficiency of operation of business entities, it is important to take into account such development dominants as socially responsible management, socialization of labor relations and environmentalization of economic activity, which form the basis of the conception of balanced management. Ukraine is also joining the global trend of achieving a balance of economic, social and environmental aspects of activities, so it takes into account the principles of sustainable economic management in the development of strategic and programmatic initiatives of its socio-economic development, in particular such activities are fragmentary implemented at the State, regional and local levels. Despite this, there is currently no comprehensive approach to balancing the activities of enterprises in the basic sectors of the economy, including rail transport. Therefore, given the coordinating role of railway enterprises in achieving the socio-economic growth of the country, it is very important to develop an effective approach to the balanced development of railway transport enterprises along with formation of an instrumentarium to achieve it, which will overcome the identified imbalances of the activities of these enterprises and fulfill the potential of the enterprises in the mentioned sector in the direction of their digital transformation. Based on the analysis of scientific developments on the formation of the basis of the implementation of the enterprises’ sustainable development initiatives, including the rail transport enterprises, the application of a co-evolutionary-digital approach is proposed, which involves the introduction of the latest digital solutions depending on the priorities of the development of railway enterprises together with dynamic changes in their operation environment. It is also proposed to ensure the joint evolution of the entities interacting with the railway industry within the terms of the ecosystem of their functioning through the application of the co-adaptive compatible digital solutions and the formation of a single information-digital space for their growth. Within limits of this approach the author has formed conceptional provisions for the balanced development of the railway transport enterprises in the aspect of their digital transformation, which contain the goal, the generalized and adaptive criteria, as well as the motives and objectives of their sustainable development.
Keywords: railway enterprises, sustainable development, digitalization, digital solutions, conceptional provisions.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 11.
Obruch Hanna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management of Industrial and Commercial Business, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (7 Feierbakha Square, Kharkіv, 61050, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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