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The Corporate-Entrepreneurial University in the Context of the Higher Education Market Development
Dybach I. L.

Dybach, Inna L. (2020) “The Corporate-Entrepreneurial University in the Context of the Higher Education Market Development.” Business Inform 4:273–279.

Section: Education and Science

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658:338.2

The article considers the need to transform Ukrainian higher education institutions in the context of development of the knowledge economy and formation of the market for educational services. It is noted that, given the problems in higher education, namely the lack of financing, the decrease in demand for domestic educational services, etc., it is advisable for the management of higher education institutions to restructure the management structure towards a capability to adequately respond to changes in market conditions and provide for financial independence. It is defined that in such circumstances it is advisable for higher education institutions to consider their work as an entrepreneurial activity, which should be carried out on the basis of corporate governance. The article is aimed at developing a scientific-methodical approach to defining the essence of the term of «corporate-entrepreneurial university» in the context of improving its management in the face of increased competition in the educational services market. It is proposed to consider two capacities of this term: entrepreneurial and corporate. The article analyzes the approaches to identifying the essence of the term of «entrepreneurial university» and ascertains the ambiguity of scientists as to its interpretation. It is determined that the vast majority of authors identify the business activities of universities with innovation activities. It is found out that the term of «academic entrepreneurship» is widely used in the scientific plane, the meaning of which is similar to the meaning of «entrepreneurial university». It is proposed to consider academic entrepreneurship as a set of actions that is focused on profit, while the entrepreneurial university be defined as an educational organization that operates on the basis of academic entrepreneurship, the efficiency of which is ensured by the interaction of such elements as education, science, business and innovation. It is defined that a corporate-entrepreneurial university is a higher education institution that carries out a comprehensive activity to form and develop the educational and entrepreneurial potential of society on the basis of corporate management in order to generate profit and gain social effect along with ensuring the academic freedom of teachers and students.

Keywords: higher education institution, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial university, academic entrepreneurship, corporate-entrepreneurial university.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 20.

Dybach Inna L. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of International Economics and Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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