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Smartstaffing as an Innovative Enterprise Management Technology
Zoidze D. R.

Zoidze, Diana R. (2020) “Smartstaffing as an Innovative Enterprise Management Technology.” Business Inform 4:439–446.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 005.331

The article is aimed at researching smartstaffing as an innovative technology of enterprise management. As a result of generalization of the existing approaches, the content of the concept of «smartstaffing» is defined. It is proposed to consider smartstaffing as an innovative management project-oriented Internet technology, allowing to regulate the supply and demand of the labor resources by providing staff with the necessary competences on schedule or on demand. The model of the smartstaffing relations organization is disclosed. Smartstaffing has been compared with outstaffing and outsourcing. The basic functions of smartstaffing are systematized and summarized. The advantages of smartstaffing for employers, employees and the country’s economy in general are examined. Among the advantages that smatstaffing provides to the management of company are: rational and full use of the labor resources , speeding up the search for staff with the necessary competences, minimizing staff costs, intensification of the company’s development. It is identified that smartstaffing acts as a so-called social platform for a dynamic redistribution of existing labor resources. Sectors of the economy where smartstaffing technology is appropriate are defined as follows: comprehensive audit and consulting; market analysis and forecasting; standardization, metrology and certification; integrated marketing communications. The main drawback of smartstaffing relationships is their absolute conditionality in terms of the existence of information technologies, and, accordingly, dependence on them. The aim of further research in this direction should be solution to the problems preventing the effective use of smartstaffing in enterprises. A special place takes the need for institutionalization of smartstaffing relations in the system of management of domestic enterprises.

Keywords: smartstaffing, outstaffing, outsourcing, Internet portal, smartstaffing functions, smartstaffing benefits.

Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Zoidze Diana R. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Public Administration, National Pharmaceutical University (53 Hryhoriia Skovorody Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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