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The Era of the Digital Technologies: Financial Copywriting Medvedovskyi D. G.
Medvedovskyi, Denys G. (2020) “The Era of the Digital Technologies: Financial Copywriting.” Business Inform 5:112–117.
Section: Innovative Processes
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 6 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 336.741.243:004.738.5]:659-021.131
Abstract: In the 21st century, digital finance is the leading industry in the global economy. With the development of cryptocurrencies and their possible implementation in the future world economy, it is advisable to study the issue related to the financial copywriting in digital finance, because it is financial copywriters who create and provide information to the world community. Since cryptocurrency is a kind of digital currency, we believe it is timely to research this issue, because the digital economy, first of all, is connected with search engines. Semantic technologies are the main sphere of search engines: with the help of these technologies, the necessary information can be searched. The requests sent are handled by search engines. All government as well as private financial institutions associated with cryptocurrencies have their own web page on the Internet. When web pages are indexed through search engines, it is based on keywords. These keywords are part of a semantic core that plays a significant role in content. We consider it necessary to analyze the activities of financial copywriters, as well as provide them with recommendations on creating content for search engines. This will make algorithms more effective, and search engines will be able to better index web pages. In turn, it will help copywriters to understand how to create financial content in the digital finance era. Unfortunately, this issue remains under-explored to date. In addition, the article examines modern innovative technology, which, in our opinion, can be used in the financial sphere. This will significantly improve the work of financial institutions, as well as will organize time management in many corporations.
Keywords: copywriting, cryptocurrency, semantic core, digital finance, financial copywriting technology.
Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 12.
Medvedovskyi Denys G. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Finance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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