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Investment and Innovation Processes in Ukraine: the Current Status and Changes in the Post-conflict Period
Pryimakova Y. A.

Pryimakova, Yuliia A. (2020) “Investment and Innovation Processes in Ukraine: the Current Status and Changes in the Post-conflict Period.” Business Inform 5:117–128.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.322.1:330.341.1(477)

Specific conditions of Ukraine’s economic development in the conditions of unresolved conflict in the east of the country require constant analysis of the current status of investment and innovation processes, opportunities for introduction, obstacles and development prospects in the conditions of post-conflict reconstruction of the economy. This data can be used to forecast structural changes in the national economy. In making forecasts and developing investment scenarios for different conditions of conflict and post-conflict periods, it is proposed to apply the instrumentarium of economic and mathematical modeling. Based on the results, it is possible to identify existing imbalances that hinder the successful development of investment and innovation processes, as well as to set trends in investment and innovation processes under different scenarios of their development. The specifics of possible investment scenarios in the countries with unresolved armed conflicts on their territory that have overcome barriers to attracting investment are specified. Existing factors of influence on the status of both internal and external investment are presented. Conditions of reducing the risks of investment both in the zone of armed conflict and in the territories controlled by the government are determined. The advantages of raising capital in real assets for the development of the national economy are defined, as opposed to the current tendency of growth of portfolio investments (usually speculative). Prospect for further research is to develop scenarios for the development of investment processes in the country in order to revive business activity, improve the security and sustainability of the country and its regions in the post-conflict economic recovery.

Keywords: investment and innovation processes, post-conflict period, investment and innovation mechanism, foreign direct investment, capital investment, innovation activity, competitiveness of the national economy.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 22.

Pryimakova Yuliia A. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Enterprise Economics, Donbass State Academy of Machine Building (56 Ruska Str., Ternopil, 46001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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