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Hotel and Restaurant Business: Current Status, Financial Provision, Investment Attractiveness and Prospects for Further Development in Ukraine
Nikolchuk J. M.

Nikolchuk, Juliia M. (2020) “Hotel and Restaurant Business: Current Status, Financial Provision, Investment Attractiveness and Prospects for Further Development in Ukraine.” Business Inform 5:218–226.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at diagnosing the current status and identifying the main tendencies in the development of the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine, evaluating the investment attractiveness of the hotel and restaurant business in the process of financing its development. The hotel and restaurant business is considered as a component of the tourism industry of the national economy together with defining the main tendencies of its development, the level of investment attractiveness and prospects for further development in Ukraine. Ways to solve problems in order to transform the hotel and restaurant business into a high-yielding sector of the national economy are proposed. The sources of financing for the further development of the country’s hotel and restaurant business are defined. The factors influencing the investment attractiveness of the hotel and restaurant business are systematized. The choice of methodology for determining the integral indicator of the investment attractiveness of hotels and restaurants, taking into account the specifics of these enterprises, is substantiated. Analysis of the current status of investment activity uses a study on the amount of investments in the hotel and restaurant sector. It is determined that the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine needs constant investments to maintain a competitive position in the market, increase the level of customer demand for services that meet the range and quality in accordance with the world standards. Potential opportunities for investing in hotel and restaurant enterprises are researched. In addition, a complex of measures of the State regulation and improvement of the sectoral management to activate the development of hotel and restaurant business is proposed.

Keywords: hospitality, hotel and restaurant business, financial provision, investment, investment attractiveness.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 13.

Nikolchuk Juliia M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Khmelnitsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute (3 Kamianetska Str., Khmelnitsky, 29013, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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