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The Statistical Analysis of Tendencies and Regularities of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade in Book Products Horobets O. O.
Horobets, Olena O. (2020) “The Statistical Analysis of Tendencies and Regularities of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade in Book Products.” Business Inform 5:320–329.
Section: Economic statistics
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 7 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 31 [339.9.012.24:655.42] (477)
Abstract: The article is aimed at carrying out a statistical study on the foreign trade in book products (the group of goods with code 4901 according to the Ukrainian classification of foreign economic activity goods) to identify the dynamics of indicators. The statistical study includes: analysis of the dynamics of Ukraine’s foreign trade in goods with the code 4901 (2009-2019); analysis of the seasonal shifts in Ukraine’s exports and imports for the group of goods with the code 4901 (2010-2019); determining the balance of Ukraine’s foreign trade by the group of goods with code 4901 using the P. Niven index; evaluation of the intensity of intra-industry trading in products of the specified group using the G-Lindex index; calculating the Ukraine’s coefficient of trade connectivity with its main trading partners as to this group of goods. The carried out statistical study of the foreign trade in book products shows its positive dynamics in 2015-2019. An analysis of seasonal shifts in exports and imports of this group of goods during 2010-2019 showed that the largest seasonal export shifts were observed in November and April, the smallest in January and August; import volumes began to grow from August and peaked in September. The assessment of the balance of foreign trade for the specified group of goods indicated that it was as balanced as possible during 2010-2012. The calculation of the coefficient of trade connectivity identified Ukraine’s dependence on the Russian Federation in the trade regarding the group of goods with the code 4901, primarily because of the significant size of the market of the latter.
Keywords: book products, foreign trade, group of goods with the code 4901, exports, imports, P. Niven index, Grubel-Lloyd index, intra-industry trade, coefficient of trade connectivity.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 7. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 10.
Horobets Olena O. – Postgraduate Student, The National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing (1 Pіdhіrna Str., Kyiv, 04107, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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