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Digitalization in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Current State and Development Prospects Klunko N. S.
Klunko, Nataliya S. (2020) “Digitalization in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Current State and Development Prospects.” Business Inform 5:329–335.
Section: Information Technologies in the Economy
Article is written in RussianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 338.24
Abstract: The article examines the process of digitalization as a key trend in the modern socio-economic development of any industry and complex, identifies the features of legal regulation of this process in the Russian Federation, the features of its implementation in relation to the pharmaceutical industry of the RF. The article analyzes the statistical data describing the development of the process of digitalization in the Russian pharmaceutical complex, identifies the main directions of positive impact of this process on the pharmaceutical complex, existing problems of its further development and possible ways of their solution. Digitalization should be perceived as a key trend in the development of the modern pharmaceutical complex, ensuring the improvement of all aspects of the activities of participants in the pharmaceutical complex. At the same time, it is obvious that the process of digitalization in relation to the Russian pharmaceutical industry is at the initial stage of its development. This is evidenced by the characteristics of digital solutions used in the activities of pharmaceutical companies, as well as the percentage of their implementation. As a key method of intensifying the processes of digitalization of the pharmaceutical complex, we should consider the legal methods of regulating all participants in the digital sector of procurement and sales, the specifics of regulating competition in this market as an open procurement market, the Federal laws 44FZ, 223FZ, regulating the rules of bidding in the conditions of digitalization of business processes. According to the author, legal means should be considered as a key method of intensifying the processes of digitalization of the pharmaceutical industry. In this regard, it is necessary to integrate the targets contained in the program «Digital economy of the Russian Federation» into the concept of strategy of development of pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation until 2030 and to create in the government program a separate direction of «Digital health care».
Keywords: pharmaceutical complex, digitalization, digital economy, digital technologies, statistics, prospects, government development programs.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 18.
Klunko Nataliya S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department, Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, Russian New University «RosNOU» (22 Radio Str., Moscow, 105005, Russia) Email: [email protected]
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