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State Benchmarks for the Implementation of Innovative Providers of the Structural Policy of the Agrarian Sector of the Ukrainian Economy
Kovalova O. V.

Kovalova, Olena V. (2020) “State Benchmarks for the Implementation of Innovative Providers of the Structural Policy of the Agrarian Sector of the Ukrainian Economy.” Business Inform 6:159–166.

Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

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In the conditions of the modern extremely dynamic world and cardinal lag of national economy from world standards, it is possible to solve the task of coordination of the process of creation of the efficient, competitive economic entities both in productive and servicing spheres of agriculture, given the State support, only under condition of short-term qualitative changes and an innovation-technological jump. The level of labor productivity demonstrated by the sectors of the Ukrainian economy does not meet the needs of the implementation of the conception of sustainable development, which affects the overall indicators, the consequences of socio-economic security. The priority of structural policy should be to stimulate economic growth together with the optimal satisfaction of social needs, the solution of infrastructural problems in the productive and non-productive spheres of rural development. The starting point, the driver in achieving this goal of structural policy is considered the activation of factors of scientific and technological progress through investment and innovation components of the transition from raw materials to innovation model of agrarian sector development and ensuring the functioning of economic employment. The State needs to qualitatively stimulate structural changes in the economic mechanism at all levels, and market participants should be interested in increasing efficiency on the basis of sustainable development and active use of advanced innovations.

Keywords: the State mechanisms, innovation providers, strategy implementation, agrarian policy, transformation of the agrarian sector, investment flows.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Kovalova Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Director, Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education and Tourism of the National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine (of. 219 building 10 11 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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