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The Conceptual Foundations of the Strategy of Development of the High-Tech Industry of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products in Ukraine till 2030
Salikhova O. B., Honcharenko D. O.

Salikhova, Olena B., and Honcharenko, Daria O. (2020) “The Conceptual Foundations of the Strategy of Development of the High-Tech Industry of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products in Ukraine till 2030.” Business Inform 7:28–35.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.341:336.5:338.45

The article is aimed at defining the conceptual foundations of the strategy of development of the high-tech industry of pharmaceuticals and medical products in Ukraine by 2030, based on the modern challenges and threats, as well as global trends in the technology development. Based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific achievements of Ukrainian scholars and practitioners, as well as preliminary results and conclusions of the authors’ own researches, the article provides endogenous and exogenous barriers that prevent the innovative development and expansion of pharmaceutical production in Ukraine; the purpose, priorities, key directions of scientific, technical and innovation activity, as well as measures on the part of government policy in the interests of pharmaceutical development of Ukraine are defined. Attention is focused on the need of a comprehensive approach to the implementation of priorities: development and market release of new biological and chemical pharmaceuticals; medical products; fillers and packaging materials; equipment for pharmaceutical production. It is substantiated that this will create resources for the production of high-tech pharmaceutical products based on the endogenous innovations with a high level of localization, value added, export potential and reduce dependence on imports of technologies and means of production. Recommendations are proposed as to: improving the normative-legal and institutional principles of the development of pharmaceutical industry; strengthening the cooperation of the State, academic, educational, private sector and public; creating stable resources of funding programs and projects on the basis of public-private partnerships. It is proposed to introduce identification and certification of pharmaceutical goods that meet the criteria of «high-tech product created on the basis of endogenous innovation» and providing preferences at their procurement.

Keywords: pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceuticals, medical products, technology, innovation, strategy, government policy.

Bibl.: 17.

Salikhova Olena B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Department of Modeling and Forecasting of Economic Development, Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine (26 Panasa Myrnoho Str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Honcharenko Daria O. – Chief Specialist, Department for Development of the Real Sector of the Economy of the Main Directorate of the Real Sector of the Economy of the Directorate for Pricing Policy and Development of the Real Sector of the Economy, Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine (12/2 M. Hrushevskoho Str., Kyiv, 01008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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