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A Characterization of the Status and Trends of Import Dependence of the National Economy as a Prerequisite for the Formation of the State Policy of Import Substitution
Kondro I. V.

Kondro, Igor V. (2020) “A Characterization of the Status and Trends of Import Dependence of the National Economy as a Prerequisite for the Formation of the State Policy of Import Substitution.” Business Inform 7:43–49.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.1:339.562

The article is aimed at identifying destructive factors and tendencies regarding excessive growth of import dependence of the national economy; substantiating the directions of the import substitution policy as a response to the strengthening of real and potential threats. The destructive factors of the national economy import dependence, which is a consequence of the ineffective State policy in different branches of the national economy, are identified. It is specified that these factors are a prerequisite for the emergence of real and potential threats to economic security of the national market. The author analyses causes of emerging the destructive elements such as: imbalance of distribution of financial resources between economic sectors; presence of structural imbalances; inability of national industry to satisfy the growing demand for high-tech and innovative products; low innovative activity of domestic producers; the fallen down cost-effective demand for scientific and technical products and chronic investment hunger; conservatism in industrial policy and use in the production of morally and technically outdated equipment; presence of institutional barriers and conflicts, which slow down the change of the structure of total demand in favor of innovative and qualitatively better products and a corresponding change in the structure of national products. The reasons and circumstances of the emergence of the disparity in the foreign trade of Ukraine and the unjustified low orientation level of national commodity producers towards the national market are emphasized. The perspectives of future scientific researches, in particular integral evaluation of import dependence and elasticity of its relations with economic security of the State, analysis of import substitution policy from the position of strengthening of economic security of the State are determined.

Keywords: destructive factors, import dependence, internal threats, economic security, import substitution policy.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Kondro Igor V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Social Disciplines, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs (26 Horodotska Str., Lviv, 79066, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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