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Applying the Data Modeling Tools for the Gender Inequality Analysis in the IT-industry in Ukraine and Worldwide
Shchepilova O. I., Korol M. V.

Shchepilova, Olha I., and Korol, Maksym V. (2020) “Applying the Data Modeling Tools for the Gender Inequality Analysis in the IT-industry in Ukraine and Worldwide.” Business Inform 9:165–171.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Nowadays, the information-technology industry is one of the most masculine and asymmetrical in the world labor market. The fact of having male workers in more prestigious and highly paid positions is proved, while female workers are more represented in low-profitable sectors of the economy (healthcare, education, social services, etc.). The article is aimed at researching the status of gender inequality in the IT sphere in the labor market of both Ukraine and the world by means of modeling tools. The publication analyzes the current status of gender segregation of labor in the sphere of information technology worldwide and in Ukraine. The relevance of the research on the process of functioning of companies engaged in foreign economic activity is substantiated. Using statistics of the most technological companies in the world (Amazon, Microsoft, etc.) it is proved that the average share of women in the companies comprises 30-40% of all employees. Gender inequality, as it has been proven, harms the business of companies around the world. Replacing female employees who resigned from a job because of the inability to build a career increases business costs and slows down the activities of individual projects and/or companies in general. At present, most large international companies deliberately perceive the need to achieve gender equilibrium among their employees. Despite numerous measures that have a positive impact on the involvement of women in the IT market, there are factors in the global labor market that increase gender discrimination, as emphasized in the article. Economic-mathematical models of the process are built up using multiple regression with panel data. With the help of the appropriate criteria, the quality of the built up models has been proven. Economic interpretation of the results is provided. Prospects for further research in this direction are described.

Keywords: IT industry, gender inequality, gender segregation, discrimination, mathematical modeling, panel data models.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Shchepilova Olha I. – Masters Student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Korol Maksym V. – Masters Student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Shestakovskyi, O. “Henderna nerivnist na rynku pratsi Ukrainy: strukturni peredumovy i tryvki stereotypy“ [Gender Inequality in the Labor Market of Ukraine: Structural Preconditions and Persistent Stereotypes]. Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia «Sotsiolohiia». 2013.
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Richter, F. “GAFAM: Women Still Underrepresented in Tech“. Statista. Business Data Platform. February 19, 2020.
“Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2020. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2018. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2017. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2016. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2015. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2014. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2013. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2012. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“The Global Gender Gap Report 2011. Insight Report by World Economic Forum“.
“These Are the Women CEOs Leading Fortune 500 Companies“.


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