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Research and Innovation Strategies of Smart Specialization (RIS3) in the Context of Interaction between Education, Science and Small Business (Example of Tourism in Poltava Region)
Chaika I. P.

Chaika, Inna P. (2021) “Research and Innovation Strategies of Smart Specialization (RIS3) in the Context of Interaction between Education, Science and Small Business (Example of Tourism in Poltava Region).” Business Inform 10:57–62.

Section: Innovative Processes

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UDC 001.895:005.21]:[37+001+334.012.6]:338.48(477.53)

The article is aimed at developing approaches to regional innovation policy within the framework of the model of innovative interaction of the quadrangle: power – science (education) – business – civil society. Based on the analysis, systematization and generalization of data on the tourism industry of Ukraine in general and of the Poltava region in particular, it was found out that, primary, it has significant potential for economic development, especially for small business enterprises; secondly, the potential to become a platform for the development of innovative interaction of the quadrangle: power – science (education) – business – civil society. The publication proposes an algorithm of development of strategic approaches to development of the tourism potential of Poltava region on the basis of RIS3 methodology. These strategies facilitate the economic transformation through cooperation in the field of innovations of regional governing bodies, small business enterprises, NGOs and representatives of the scientific and educational environment, that is, take into account local conditions for conducting tourism business. On the basis of the typical RIS3 management system, the management structure at the local level has been worked out and the priorities for the development of the tourism potential of Poltava region for the near future are determined. At this, all participants of such a system are tasked with a certain cultural change, namely: formation of practices of openness, mutual trust, interaction, mastery of new knowledge. The prospect of such interaction is to provide new opportunities for business representatives (including small businesses), NGOs, and the scientific community to participate in the processes of preparation and decision-making through establishing communications with relevant local authorities, building new horizontal economic and social cooperations, sharing knowledge and experience. RIS3 proposed for Poltava region is a platform for the formation of new economic and social relations in the tourism sector.

Keywords: Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3), RIS3 management structure, innovative interaction, small business, tourism.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Chaika Inna P. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (3 Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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