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The Current State of the Financial and Material Base of Territorial Communities in Terms of Decentralization
Zakhidna O. R., Mlintsova A. O.

Zakhidna, Oksana R., and Mlintsova, Alina O. (2021) “The Current State of the Financial and Material Base of Territorial Communities in Terms of Decentralization.” Business Inform 11:184–189.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article defines the peculiarities of managing the financial and material base of territorial communities of Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization. The economic essence of the term «financial and material base» is given and the main components of this indicator are allocated, allowing to assess the financial security of territorial communities. The main factors of influence on the financial and material base of territorial communities related to the implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine are determined. New financial opportunities and responsibilities of administrative and territorial units are allocated, which is reflected in strengthening the own financial base of local self-government. A dynamic analysis of the ratio of incomes of the general fund of local budgets to the GDP of Ukraine during 2014–2020 was carried out. The process of transfer of the joint ownership objects to communal property of territorial communities in the context of regions of Ukraine as of 05.03.2021 is considered. Since the assessment of the state of financial and material resources of territorial communities is a complex process and includes the management of communal property, the main ways of using communal property are defined, among which it is worth to highlight: rent, privatization, independent use of property by the territorial community, leasing, concession and others. The assessment of the ways of using communal property objects on the example of the territorial community of Lviv for 2018–2019 was carried out. It is proved that the analysis carried out is evidence of an increase in the level of financial security of local budgets and a justification of positive trends in the growth of their resource base as a result of financial decentralization. Negative factors of influence on the main indicators of financial and material base of local budgets are determined. Also a number of problems faced by local self-government bodies are specified and ways to solve them are suggested.

Keywords: financial and material base, communal property, local budget revenues, territorial community, decentralization, local self-government, financial security, interbudgetary transfers.

Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 8.

Zakhidna Oksana R. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Mlintsova Alina O. – Student, Faculty of Financial Management and Business, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Osnovni makropokaznyky ekonomichnoho i sotsialnoho rozvytku Ukrainy na 2021 rik: ekspertnyi ohliad“ [The Main Macro Indicators of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine in 2021: An Expert Review]. Detsentralizatsiia daie mozhlyvosti.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2020).
“Monitorynh peredachi obiektiv“ [Monitoring the Transfer of Objects]. Ministerstvo rozvytku hromad ta terytorii Ukrainy. 2021.
“Roziasnennia Ministerstva yustytsii Ukrainy shchodo upravlinnia mainom spilnoi vlasnosti terytorialnykh hromad“ [Clarification of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the Management of Common Property of Territorial Communities].
“Zvedenyi perelik obiektiv, yaki ye u vlasnosti terytorialnoi hromady m. Lvova stanom na 2018 rik“ [The List of Objects Owned by the Territorial Community of Lviv as of 2018 Is Consolidated]. Vidkryti dani Lvova.
“Zvedenyi perelik obiektiv, yaki ye u vlasnosti terytorialnoi hromady m. Lvova stanom na 2019 rik“ [The List of Objects Owned by the Territorial Community of Lviv as of 2019 Is Consolidated]. Vidkryti dani Lvova.


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