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The Theory and Practice of Choosing Perspective Directions of Small Business Development in Ukraine and the World
Krasnonosova O. M., Ponomarenko Y. V., Kharchenko R. V.

Krasnonosova, Olena M., Ponomarenko, Yevhen V., and Kharchenko, Ruslan V. (2021) “The Theory and Practice of Choosing Perspective Directions of Small Business Development in Ukraine and the World.” Business Inform 11:281–286.

Section: Problems of Business

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.242.4

The article is aimed at a theoretical generalization of forms, methods and instrumentarium for choosing perspective directions for small business development in Ukraine. At present, there are a significant number of scientific achievements on the formation of a balanced government policy on the State regulation of small business development in Ukraine. The legal principles of the State regulation of activities of business entities that aim to make a profit are determined by the Law of Ukraine «On the Associations of Economic Management». Generalization of the theoretical developments of domestic and foreign scholars on the choice of methods for determining the current state and prospects for the development of small business representatives allowed to distinguish the most common approaches to solving this issue. Most specialists are inclined to define the need for a comprehensive assessment of the state of small business entities both in the whole country and in its administrative territories. The most common techniques include: analysis of statistical indicators of the state of small business and their dynamics for a certain period; comparative analysis of the state of small business development by types of economic activity both in the inland territories and in the countries of the world; compiling a SWOT analysis with the definition of strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats to small businesses; computing the integral indicator of the level using the taxonomic analysis and the method of ranking of research objects; classification of levels of development of small business representatives based on the results of cluster analysis. The disadvantages of these approaches are that their computing does not take into account the significance of certain indicators of integrated evaluation, that is, these methods are incapable of giving clear answers to the question of finding perspective directions for the development of the small business sector. Also, the above methods do not reflect the territorial specifics of the development of certain types of economic activity, taking into account the representatives of small business and their role and place in a particular industry in a timely context over the years. All of the above has created the basis for searching a new instrumentarium to choose perspective directions for small business development in Ukraine.

Keywords: small business, government stimulation of small business development, methods of choosing perspective directions of small business development, instrumentarium of stimulation on the part of the State.

Bibl.: 10.

Krasnonosova Olena M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Оffice of Evaluation of Activity of Research Institutions of the NAS of Ukraine, Center for Evaluation of Activity of Research Institutions and Scientific Support of Regional Development of Ukraine NАS of Ukraine (54 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Ponomarenko Yevhen V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Research Associate, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Kharchenko Ruslan V. – Junior Researcher, Department of Industrial Policy and Energy Security, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Derzhavnyi komitet Ukrainy z pytan rehuliatornoi polityky ta pidpryiemnytstva zdiisniuie kompleksnu porivnialnu otsinku rehioniv za stanom rozvytku maloho pidpryiemnytstva ta yoho pidtrymky na mistsevomu rivni“ [The State Committee of Ukraine for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship Conducts a Comprehensive Comparative Assessment of Regions on the State of Development of Small Business and Its Support at the Local Level].
“Kompleksna prohrama rozvytku maloho ta serednyoho pidpryiemnytstva u Khersonskii oblasti na 2019-2021 roky“ [Comprehensive Program for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Kherson Region for 2019-2021].
“Prohrama spryiannia rozvytku maloho i serednyoho pidpryiemnytstva v m. Kramatorsku na 2021-2022 roky“ [The Program to Promote the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kramatorsk for 2021-2022].
“Kompleksna prohrama rozvytku maloho ta serednyoho pidpryiemnytstva u Poltavskii oblasti na 2017-2020 roky“ [Comprehensive Program for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Poltava Region for 2017-2020].
“Kompleksna prohrama rozvytku maloho ta serednyoho pidpryiemnytstva u Chernivetskii oblasti na 2021-2022 roky“ [Comprehensive Program for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Chernivtsi Region for 2021-2022].


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