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The Market Pricing Issues in the Courses of Fundamental Economic Disciplines at Ukrainian HEIs
Starchuk N. V., Liebiedieva D. O., Bondarets O. M.

Starchuk, Nataliia V., Liebiedieva, Daria O., and Bondarets, Olena M. (2021) “The Market Pricing Issues in the Courses of Fundamental Economic Disciplines at Ukrainian HEIs.” Business Inform 1:14–20.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 33.338.5

In the context of market economy in Ukraine, specialists should know the essence of market self-regulation: economic laws, the effect of a market mechanism, market pricing. Such information is given by fundamental (theoretical) economic disciplines, the courses of which in the higher education institutions of Ukraine must be really thought out. When choosing a model of transition from planned to market pricing and in subsequent pricing policy, there was a lag in economic theory and insufficient economic training of specialists as to issues of market pricing, which was chosen as the object of research. The article examines the market pricing materials in the courses of fundamental economic disciplines, textbooks and manuals. According to the results of research, the following conclusions are drawn: in textbooks and manuals on political economy there is not enough information on economic pricing laws, the effect of the market mechanism (only the first two economic laws are mentioned). It is proposed to systematically teach all seven economic pricing laws: their essence, effects, relationship and distribution according to the economic systems of society. The authors have developed the model «Market mechanism effect. Economic pricing laws». In the course of political economy, it is advisable to study not only the industrial market economy, but also the post-industrial information and network economy, the patterns of which are not yet properly known and are fundamentally different. In the course of microeconomics, attention should be paid to the markets of imperfect competition, where a company can influence the price, namely: the markets of monopolistic competition. More attention should be paid to the elasticity of demand in order to develop an effective pricing policy of the company. In the course of macroeconomics, special attention should be paid to keynesian theory, which, unlike neoclassical, correctly considers the markets of goods, services, labor, money imperfectly competitive markets, and their prices not completely flexible (crunch effect). A comparative analysis of political economy and economics is carried out and a conclusion is made about the priority of political economy, which is paid more attention. The fallacy of the trend of displacement of applied fundamental economic disciplines in Ukraine, which are the basis for economic policy, is substantiated. Proposed: economists-theorists shold be trained at HEIs separately; to strengthen the economic training of higher education applicants regarding not only economic, but also non-economic specialties, which will ensure optimal unity of empirical, theoretical and applied knowledge, as well as the possibility of creative approach to understanding the role of economic theory in planning opportunities for personal professional development.

Keywords: market mechanism, fundamental economic sciences, economic laws, price, information and network economy, economic thinking.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Starchuk Nataliia V. – Lecturer, Cycle Commission of Economics and Management, Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (17/6 Peremohy Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, 39600, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Liebiedieva Daria O. – Leading Specialist, Department of Planning the Educational Process of General Education, Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (17/6 Peremohy Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, 39600, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Bondarets Olena M. – Lecturer, Cycle Commission of Economics and Management, Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (17/6 Peremohy Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, 39600, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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