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Legal Regulation of the Level of Food Provision for the Population of Ukraine
Vorzhevitina H. I.

Vorzhevitina, Hanna I. (2021) “Legal Regulation of the Level of Food Provision for the Population of Ukraine.” Business Inform 1:171–176.

Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.43

The article is concerned with studying the problems of legal regulation of the level of food provision for the population of Ukraine. The norms of both the legislative and by-law acts regulating food security and food provision, as well as the work of scholars who studied this problem before, were examined. Food provision for the population of Ukraine can be defined as the State-based providing citizens of Ukraine with access to food of proper quality in the amount sufficient for the normal functioning of the human body and preservation of its health. This concept is closely related to the concept of food security. Food security is a state of physical provision by the main food groups of the appropriate level of quality and safety, as well as the forming of the State food reserve not lower than the officially established limit norm. The level of food provision for the population of Ukraine should meet the needs of citizens in a sufficient amount of food of proper quality. The normative legal acts regulating the level of food provision for the population of Ukraine can be divided into the following groups: defining requirements for the safety and quality of food products; consolidating the legal status of food producers; carrying out legislative regulation of the legal status of agricultural land; establishing measures of the State support for food producers; implementing the State regulation of imports of agricultural products; intended for legal regulation of wholesale and retail trade in foods; ensuring the State regulation of food prices; determining standards of the subsistence minimum for the citizens of Ukraine. Proposals on amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On subsistence minimum» to ensure an adequate level of food provision for the population of Ukraine are formulated.

Keywords: food provision, food security, legal regulation, foods, agricultural products.

Bibl.: 18.

Vorzhevitina Hanna I. – Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University (77/79 Sumska Str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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