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Methodical Principles of Conflict Management in the Organization
Korepanova K. O.

Korepanova, Kseniia O. (2021) “Methodical Principles of Conflict Management in the Organization.” Business Inform 1:292–297.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 005.574

The article considers topical issues of research and improvement of the conflict management system in the organization. The article is aimed at improving the methodical aspects of conflict management in the organization in order to develop ways and practical recommendations for their solution. The research was carried out on the example of conflict management analysis at PJSC «Kyivstar». According to the results of the research, it is substantiated that in order to determine the level of proneness to conflict in the team and estimate the relationships between managers and subordinates of the organization, it is advisable to conduct regular monitoring on the basis of questionnaires of employees and management of the organization. The proposed method of studying conflicts was tested on the example of PJSC «Kyivstar» on the basis of the use of an online survey of employees from different divisions. The developed questionnaire allowed to analyze how employees themselves valuate the state of conflict problems in the organization and what they see the reasons for their occurrence in their respective divisions. The activities of the organization chosen for research have been analyzed and it is determined that PJSC «Kyivstar» is one of the largest integrated world telecommunications companies – VEON. As one of the components of the company’s success, a clear organizational structure and effective distribution of responsibilities and functions among the company’s employees are allocated. The article provides a brief analysis of the results of the survey of PJSC «Kyivstar» employees and analyzes the behavior style used during the conflict. A study of the influence of the allocated factors on the frequency of conflicts in the organization was carried out. To determine the presence and degree of such an influence, it is proposed to use the cross-tab method based on the building up and analyzing of contingency tables. The use of the chosen method for research is demonstrated by the example of the most influential of the allocated factors, namely: the number of subordinates for an employee and the level of education of a particular employee, as well as their impact on the number of conflicts in the organization. Conclusions on the presence and main causes of conflict situations are formulated, among which are allocated, in particular, the socio-psychological climate in the team and the unfair distribution of privileges.

Keywords: methodical support, conflict management system, monitoring, survey, cross-tab method, contingency tables.

Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 8.

Korepanova Kseniia O. – Student, Educational and Research Institute «Karazin Business School» of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (1 Myronosytska Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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