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The International Tourism Development as a Way to Formation of Cross-Cultural Tolerance
Atamanchuk Z. A.

Atamanchuk, Zоryna A. (2021) “The International Tourism Development as a Way to Formation of Cross-Cultural Tolerance.” Business Inform 1:58–64.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.48:316.72-044.352

The scientific publication is aimed at exploring the communicative aspects of tourism, its value impact on humans, substantiating the peculiarities of the development of international tourism as a way to formation of cross-cultural tolerance. The article accentuates on the cultural values and value characterizations of international tourism, the role of the communicative culture of the individual as the main link in the concept of the theoretical model of universal human values, the importance of adherence to the principles of tolerance, which are becoming increasingly important in the modern world in the context of globalization of the economy, development of communications, growth of mobility, integration, interdependence and transformation of social cultures. The approaches to analyzing tourism as a social and cultural phenomenon are systematized, the stages of the communication process are distinguished. The author analyzes the content of the most significant documents in the sphere of international tourism adopted with the participation of the World Tourist Organization, which emphasizes the need to adhere to tolerant forms of communication. The focus is placed on the role of international organizations in strengthening cultural ties between peoples, mutual enrichment of cultures as a result of tourist exchange, observance of the principles of tolerance. On the way to the application in practice of establishing intercultural communications in international tourism, the article substantiates effectiveness of such methods as: introduction of an adequate system of acculturation, which involves such types of communication ties as integration, assimilation, division, marginalization at the levels of emotions, actions and cognition; creation of such conditions by the host party, which would contribute to increasing the level of satisfaction of tourists by establishing a constant exchange of information, maintaining feedback, disseminating content among visitors regarding the prospects for the development of tourist infrastructure of the host country.

Keywords: international tourism, culture, cultural values, communication, communication process, cross-cultural tolerance.

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 15.

Atamanchuk Zоryna A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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