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Improving the Operation of Management Mechanisms in the Implementation of the State Regulation Measures in the Sphere of Public Procurement Sydorenko O. M.
Sydorenko, Oleksii M. (2021) “Improving the Operation of Management Mechanisms in the Implementation of the State Regulation Measures in the Sphere of Public Procurement.” Business Inform 1:77–83.
Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 336(477)
Abstract: The article is concerned with considering the current trends in improving the State regulation of the public procurement system in Ukraine. The author defines that one of the key elements of ensuring an adequate level of the State regulation of the public procurement system in our country is the effective organization of the State-based financial control in this sphere. The basis for ensuring the latter is the smooth operation of the relevant State governance mechanisms. The research is aimed at disclosing modern aspects of the State regulation of the public procurement system by implementing the State-based financial control measures, allocating existing problematic issues and developing a model for assessment of efficiency of the measures that will be implemented in the course of its improvement, taking into account the peculiarities of the sphere of public procurement in Ukraine. When writing this article, a direct relationship between the level of efficiency of the State-based financial control in the sphere of public procurement and the level of efficiency of the State regulation of this sphere is determined. It is specified that the key management mechanisms used in the implementation of the State-based financial control in the sphere of public procurement are the organizational, informational and legal ones. Precisely on their condition directly depends the efficiency of the State-based financial control in this sphere. It is determined that each of the above-mentioned the State governance mechanisms has a number of complex, interrelated problematic aspects that impede the maximum level of efficiency of the State-based financial control in the sphere of public procurement. In order to neutralize them, the author proposes to use an automate model for assessing the efficiency of eliminating the shortcomings of the major management mechanisms used in the implementation of the State-based financial control measures in the sphere of public procurement. The presented model allows tracing the impact of relevant measures over time for both the short and long term, is adapted to the economic and socio-political realities of Ukraine, takes into account most of the economic and social risks in the sphere under research.
Keywords: public procurement, the State regulation, the State financial control, the State governance mechanisms, automate modeling.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 12.
Sydorenko Oleksii M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Public Administration, State Tax University (31 Universytetska Str., Irpin, Kyiv region, 08205, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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