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Creating the Model of Integrity and Countering Corruption to Increase the Investment-Innovative Attractiveness of Ukrainian Regions
Kulakov O. O.

Kulakov, Oleksii O. (2021) “Creating the Model of Integrity and Countering Corruption to Increase the Investment-Innovative Attractiveness of Ukrainian Regions.” Business Inform 1:97–102.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Increasing Ukraine’s investment attractiveness requires the creation of a fundamentally new model of integrity and countering corruption. Ukraine consists of regions that have different investment attractiveness. In the conditions of limited investment resources of Ukraine, the creation of a transparent economy is the basis of development. The Corruption Perception Index, which is the main indicator of investment development of the economies of the countries, shows the lack of progress in the countering corruption in Ukraine. Therefore, it is necessary to implement programs on integrity and countering corruption based on experience of European and other developed countries to increase the investment attractiveness of Ukraine and its regions. The article is aimed at developing a model of integrity and countering corruption, which is the basis for increasing the investment attractiveness of Ukraine for investment and innovation development. The main actors interacting with the authorities are identified for the model of integrity and countering corruption based on the analysis of the activities of the authorities. The principles of interaction between the authorities and other entities in order to overcome corruption are also characterized. The components of influencing the effectiveness of implementation of the model of integrity and countering corruption are analyzed. It is noted that the model of integrity and countering corruption has mechanisms for maintaining formal and informal rules based on the analysis of the interaction of authorities to prevent corruption. The main elements, results and a program of the model of integrity and countering corruption are developed to support this model. In order to effectively implement the model of integrity and countering corruption, it is necessary to introduce accountability, accountability mechanisms and means of control of accountability issues in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of implementation.

Keywords: investment project, investment attractiveness, model, integrity, countering corruption, investment and innovation development, accountability.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Kulakov Oleksii O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Chief Specialist, Department of International and Interregional Cooperation of the Directorate of Foreign Economic Relations of the Department of Investment and Innovative Development and External Relations, Donetsk Regional State Administration (32 Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Str., Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 84331, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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