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Corporate Venturing as the Basis for Development of Ecosystems in the Global Coordinates of the World Lahun A. I.
Lahun, Antonina I. (2021) “Corporate Venturing as the Basis for Development of Ecosystems in the Global Coordinates of the World.” Business Inform 3:50–55.
Section: Innovative Processes
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UDC 658.152
Abstract: In recent decades, we have all witnessed the emergence of qualitatively new trends in the development of corporate venturing, which justify its dynamic structural dynamics, global character, as well as diversified implementation mechanisms and a powerful influence on the dynamics of global scientific-technological progress. Corporate venturing is a system of measures, mechanisms and instruments for financing by the business structures, belonging to the corporate sector, of the processes of development, support, incubation, introduction and implementation of venture capital startups, innovative programs and projects materialized mainly among small innovative firms under the care of the parent divisions of multinational enterprises (MNE) and underlying the development in global coordinates deeply integrated at the horizontal and vertical levels of corporate venturing ecosystems. First of all, worth noting is the dynamic increase of the value scale of innovative venture capital financing of corporations and the growth of interregional asymmetry in its accumulation. Meanwhile, the activity of MNE in the field of corporate venturing indicates the growing inconsistency of the private monopolistic form of innovatizing the global production with the objective needs of national economic development in the context of technoglobalism. As a result, at the interstate, regional and supranational levels, the issue of the development of qualitatively new forms of scientific-technical cooperation of economic entities becomes actualized; the same is valid for the development of global innovative and professional networks of researchers, scientists and research staff; also the efficient combination of production resources, as well as the socialization of labor and the concentration of innovative capital in order to promptly solve the most relevant scientific and technical problems for the world community.
Keywords: venturing, globalization, innovation, venture financing, capital.
Bibl.: 8.
Lahun Antonina I. – Applicant, Department of International Accounting and Auditing, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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Hinds, R. “Four Venture Capital Trends That Will Define the Future“.
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