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 Functional Analysis and Development of Integrated Manufacturing Systems of Industrial Enterprises Bieloborodova M. V., Yurchyshyna L. I.
Bieloborodova, Mariia V., and Yurchyshyna, Lyudmyla I. (2021) “Functional Analysis and Development of Integrated Manufacturing Systems of Industrial Enterprises.” Business Inform 5:201–206.
Section: Industrial Economics
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UDC 681.3.07
Abstract: The article specifies the key economic aspects of the functioning and development of integrated manufacturing systems of industrial enterprises. The article is aimed at substantiating the prospects for the development of integrated manufacturing systems as one of the paradigms of the organization of the production process. The methodological instrumentarium of the research consisted of the following methods: retrospective analysis, synthesis, critical analysis, graphic method, generalization method. In modern conditions, more and more attention is paid to the new integrated level of manufacturing systems, which can be considered as a combined production system from an aggregate of multi-level constituents of production systems of enterprises with the most progressive organizational and technological capabilities, created for a limited time in order to implement complex projects. The evolution of the organization of production systems with the allocation of modern paradigms of variability and integration is researched. The role of technological niches in the development and marketing of multitechnological platforms as examples of integrated manufacturing systems is outlined. The main requirements for production systems created in technological niches are such parameters as their flexibility, the level of automation and the possibility of integration. It is determined that flexible or integrated production means that the functional spectrum of multitechnological platforms should be maximized. The flexible production strategy is more profitable than conventional manufacturing, if there is a high probability that additional functions will actually be applied in the future, and the integration of functions will cause lower costs than the integration of an additional single-technology machine. Integration of manufacturing technologies is an urgent paradigm for designing production systems within the framework of evolutionary theory. The direction of technological progress is determined through the concept of suitability, which represents a fuzzy image of a prospective product developed in accordance with the technological paradigm in the selection environment. The problem of classification of flexible, reconfigured and integrated manufacturing systems is the prospect of further research.
Keywords: integration, organization of production, reconfiguration, evolution, paradigm, industrial enterprises.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 14.
Bieloborodova Mariia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Nauky Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Yurchyshyna Lyudmyla I. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Tourism and Economy of Enterprise, National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic» (19 D. Yavornytskyi Ave., Dnіpro, 49005, Ukraine) Email: urcisinaludmila
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