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Postal Bank in Ukraine: The Need and Risks of Creation
Hladkykh D. M.

Hladkykh, Dmytro M. (2021) “Postal Bank in Ukraine: The Need and Risks of Creation.” Business Inform 6:228–234.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at substantiating the feasibility of creating a specialized postal bank in Ukraine, to define the list of related risks and possible directions for their reduction. The following key risks that hinder the establishment of a postal bank in Ukraine are identified: risk of lack of full control over the directions of investment of accumulated deposits of the population on the part of the NBU; liquidity risk; risk of non-compliance by the postal operator with economic standards that are mandatory for banking institutions; risk of capital deficit; risk of inability to support the postal operator with refinancing; risk of mass withdrawal of deposits by customers; risk of insufficient competence of «Ukrposhta» employees to comply with the requirements of financial monitoring; risks associated with the collection of large amounts of cash; risk of further growth of the share of the State-owned institutions in the banking market; risk of shortage of funds to close the agreement on the purchase of «Ukrposhta» by an already operating bank. Possible directions of minimization of these risks are proposed, in particular: implementation of key elements of successful experience in the banking services market of JSPPB «Aval»; defining as the target segment of clients of the new postal bank of the pensioners, who are currently customers of post offices, and as the basis of its resource base – the future pension and current accounts of individuals; use by «Ukrposhta» of the so-called «agency» model of financial services provision; association of «Ukrposhta» and «Oschadbank» into the State-owned Postal Bank; development of a list of key performance indicators for employees and branches of the new postal bank; development of a list of measures directed towards significantly improving the level of qualification of personnel of «Ukrposhta» branches; installation of POS-terminals and payment terminals in all post offices located in rural areas; establishment of individual economic standards for the new postal bank for the period of its full adaptation to activities in the banking market.

Keywords: bank, postal bank, ««Ukrposhta»», NBU, risks.

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 13.

Hladkykh Dmytro M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Strategy, The National Institute for Strategic Studies (7a Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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