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The Perspective Directions of Diversification Activity of the Oil and Fat Sector Enterprises
Orlenko O. M.

Orlenko, Olha M. (2021) “The Perspective Directions of Diversification Activity of the Oil and Fat Sector Enterprises.” Business Inform 9:164–169.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article proves the decisive role of the oil and fat sector for the national economy. The current state of activity of processing enterprises of oil and fat industry allows to state that extensive directions of growth and development are almost exhausted for them, since there is already a tendency to exceed existing production capacities every year compared to available volumes of raw materials for processing. This is a consequence of an increase in the volume of oilseeds exports while at the same time insufficient capacity of production capacities of processing oilseeds enterprises. One of the measures that can partially solve this problem is the use by enterprises of the domestic oil and fat sector of such direction of development as diversification of production. Although it is advisable to note the presence of certain differences in the use of diversification between Ukrainian and foreign enterprises. The use of kinship diversification at oil and fat enterprises is associated with the transition from mono structural forms of technological lines of plants to the universal ones capable of working with various types of raw materials. One of the promising areas of diversification for domestic enterprises of the oil and fat complex is the market of oilseeds processing products, where only several companies currently operate. Also, the priority direction of diversification of the activities of oil processing enterprises can be the production of such a refining product as phosphate concentrate. Significant potential and reserve for the development and expansion of oilseed processing enterprises lies in the intensification of biofuel production, in particular the production of pellets. Also, an additional direction of diversification of activities of enterprises that produce and use pellets for their own needs can be the production of thermal energy, which is aimed not only at providing their own technological needs, but also at providing such services to others. Thus, by diversifying its activities, oil and fat enterprises are able not only to improve their technical and economic performance, but also to intensify and stimulate the further development of enterprises of other related and connected sectors of the national economy, accelerating their modernization and more harmonious integration into the global economic space.

Keywords: oil and fat sector, lack of raw materials, seasonality, diversification.

Bibl.: 10.

Orlenko Olha M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Economics and Business Organization, Odesa National Economic University (8 Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, 65082, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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