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Problems of the Development of Trust Management in the Conditions of the Modern Global Financial Market Perminov S. B.
Perminov, Stanislav B. (2021) “Problems of the Development of Trust Management in the Conditions of the Modern Global Financial Market.” Business Inform 9:196–201.
Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
Article is written in EnglishDownloads/views: 0 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 336.714
Abstract: The article examines the key problems of the development of the trust management market at the present stage of the formation of the global market. All problems are identified within the framework of the main trends in the development of the financial market, which is associated with the complication of its subject structure, changes in the structure of instruments. In addition, the market is actively expanding due to the introduction of intermediaries and social media as specific market players. The active digitalization of economic activity leads to the formation of new industries, including the need to form a cyber security system. New rules for the functioning of the trust management market require the development of appropriate regulatory support for the functioning of the market and the formation of global value chains. A problematic issue is also the awareness of new clients with trust management services, the rules of the market functioning. It is worth considering the processes of global offshorization, which determines the key directions of normative regulation both in the global market and its regional adaptation. In this regard, the paper discusses the features of the development of regulatory support for the functioning of the financial market in general, as well as the market of trust operations in particular in modern conditions, with examples of the implementation of this conception in certain highly developed countries (United States of America, Great Britain, etc.) taking into account the requirements of international organizations to ensure and regulate these markets in order to counter money laundering, tax evasion, and concealment of the tax base. In addition, the article proposes some options for minimizing the negative consequences of key problems in the development of the trust management market or minimizing the associated risks.
Keywords: trust management, trust management market, trust, banking activity.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 18.
Perminov Stanislav B. – Postgraduate Student, ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Bldg 7, 1 Lomonosova Str., Riga, Latvia) Email: [email protected]
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