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Modeling the Volumes of a Special Stabilization Reserve Fund (Example of the Hotel «Zhovtnevyi»)
Lysenko O. V.

Lysenko, Olena V. (2021) “Modeling the Volumes of a Special Stabilization Reserve Fund (Example of the Hotel «Zhovtnevyi»).” Business Inform 9:58–64.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.4:519.8:519.7:007

The article specifies the use of an economic-mathematical instrumentarium to ensure a sufficient level of financing of operating periods of enterprises. This instrumentarium is represented by a special stabilization reserve fund of enterprises and a system of models: a model of the formation of the fund, its adaptive mathematical model and an algorithmic model of fund management, implemented in the form of a relevant computer program for assessing the volumes of additional financing and recovery and the volumes of increase of the fund. To build a conceptual model of the process of ensuring financing of operating periods of enterprises, system analysis methods along with predictive proportional method were used, which is due to the use of data of balance sheet statements of enterprises. The economic essence of the process is a special stabilization reserve fund of the enterprise, which, according to the legislation of Ukraine, is formed at the expense of its own investments and is created at the conscious desire of the owners, and this is fixed in the statutory documents of enterprises. The mathematical essence of the process is a system that contains a mathematical and an algorithmic models of the fund. In order to assess the volumes of the special stabilization reserve fund of the enterprise, an analytical approach to the value of money over time was applied to the analysis of the cost function. Quantitative assessment of the upper limit of the increase in the special stabilization reserve fund of enterprises is based on the assumption that the forecast amount of money flow of costs for each subsequent operating period will reflect the financial limit of the development of the process in the next period in a crisis-free situation. The mathematical model of the fund easily adapts to the working conditions of each particular enterprise. It can be used even in the downturn production process as a stabilizing investment. The proposed instrumentarium should be used both for production enterprises and for enterprises providing services, for example, hospitality institutions. The publication is based on statistics of the hotel «Zhovtnevyi» (Ukraine).

Keywords: special stabilization reserve fund, exponential function, growth strength, continuous rate of increase, money flow.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 7. Bibl.: 11.

Lysenko Olena V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, Dnipro Humanities University (35 Yermolovoi Str., Dnipro, 49033, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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