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The Evolution of Theoretical Thought on the Interpretation of Marketing Strategies of Enterprises
Ponomarenko T. V.

Ponomarenko, Tetiana V. (2021) “The Evolution of Theoretical Thought on the Interpretation of Marketing Strategies of Enterprises.” Business Inform 9:6–12.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.138:338

The article defines the concept of «strategy» as: plan, competitive actions, behavior model, market position, conception and perspective. The strategy is a comprehensive, unified and integrated plan, a set of actions and measures to solve a specific problem situation, achieving targeted goals that are developed in advance for a certain period of time. Current trends in the implementation of strategies include ensuring the quality of products, focusing on individual groups of consumers and improving products and services. The strategies of leadership, cost minimization and differentiation are typically focused on gaining a competitive advantage within a wide range of industry sector segments, while the focusing strategy involves gaining cost advantages or differentiation in narrow segments of the industry sector. Modern trends in the implementation of strategies of leadership, cost minimization and differentiation focus are identified on the example of enterprises of the EU countries. Three of the most popular company strategies are: 1) high quality focus – 52.3% of the EU companies use this strategy; 2) focus on satisfying established groups of consumers – 50.3%, which reflects the world-view or ways of thinking of entrepreneurs in these markets and confirms the theoretical idea that the strategy is a conception that has a manifestation in the world-view of stakeholders and business owners; 3) focus on improving the existing products and services, which are used by an average of 41.5% of companies. In addition, 37.7% of the EU firms use the focus on appealing to new consumer groups, and 36.7% of organizations use a specific solution for a client. It is proved that most companies in the EU use two or more strategies that are built on innovation activities (products, services, business processes) at the same time.

Keywords: strategy, marketing, innovations, marketing strategy, focusing, differentiation.

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 12.

Ponomarenko Tetiana V. – Postgraduate Student, Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (36/1 Yuriia Illienka Str., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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