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Substantiating the Economic Project-Based Parameters of Rocket and Space Technics in Conditions of Sustainable Space Activity
Hilorme T. V.

Hilorme, Tetiana V. (2021) “Substantiating the Economic Project-Based Parameters of Rocket and Space Technics in Conditions of Sustainable Space Activity.” Business Inform 9:80–88.

Section: Industrial Economics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The publication is aimed at determining the project parameters of the latest rocket and space technics. It is stated that when developing projects, it is necessary to take into account all phases of the life cycle of rocket and space technics in accordance with European standards as follows: phase 0 «Mission analysis/needs definition», phase A «Feasibility», phase B «Preliminary design», phase C «Detailed design», phase D «Qualification & Production», phase E «Operation», phase F «Utilization». On the basis of fractal analysis, a graphic interpretation of the comparison of SWOT-analysis components for the development of the rocket and space industry is constructed. The advantage of the model is the compactness of development due to the use of one platform and operational efficiency of use due to the absence of the need to upload data to a specialized system. Practical recommendations on the development of a national strategy for the innovative development of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine in the conditions of sustainable space activities are provided. It is identified that the weakness and a threat to the activities of the aerospace industry is insufficient financing for implemented projects and inefficient distribution of funds among its components: science – production. It is proposed to use Blockchain technology as an effective instrument for the cyber security of space objects. Possibilities of Agyle management are considered as a means for overcoming barriers to the introduction of innovative solutions in space activities. The mathematical model of project selection when maximizing the economic effect is presented, which takes into account both the economic components (the costs of «life» of the project, the budget for implementation, the cost of deferred decisions), as well as the social and ecological effects. The system of criteria for selecting and limiting a rocket and space technics project is substantiated. Prospect for further research is the substantiation of the project parameters of the latest rocket and space technics from the positions of other components of general efficiency: technical, social and ecological.

Keywords: latest rocket and space technics, project, effect, SWOT analysis, space debris utilization.

Fig.: 1. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 16.

Hilorme Tetiana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Scientific Research Institute of Power, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Nauky Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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