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The Labor and Health Security of Staff During the Wartime: Developing a HR Project
Zhukovska V. M.

Zhukovska, Valentyna M. (2022) “The Labor and Health Security of Staff During the Wartime: Developing a HR Project.” Business Inform 10:108–113.

Section: Labour economics and social policy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 331.45:005

The article analyzes the essence and factors influencing the labor security and health of staff in the process of work. The factors of danger to the health of workers in conditions of war are determined. The purpose of the article is a theoretical generalization of approaches to the use of analytical instruments in the formation of key HR tasks at the stages of project management in the field of labor security of staff in the enterprise. The methodological basis for the implementation of a HR project are formulated; attention is paid to the upgrade by companies of mandatory regulatory and legal regulations in the field of labor protection and arrangement of workplaces. A characterization of factors influencing health in the process of professional activity of workers in the wartime is presented. A checklist is proposed in the context of the functional tasks of HR managers at the stages of project management for the security and health of employees in the workplace. Among the key tasks of a HR manager in project management, the following components are outlined: goals and indicators of efficiency and implementation of the project are formed; the main risks in the event of hazards to staff are identified; probable risks are identified and measures to level the risks of the HR project are formulated; estimated indicators are provided. Emphasis is placed on the communication interaction of staff and the capabilities of the enterprise, which in the first line include: means of operational, remote and emergency communication; organizational regulations on labor protection as the regulatory framework of the project. The indicators and criteria for evaluating the performance of staff in the field of labor protection and fire safety during the implementation of the project are specified. The need for further research to identify the causes of professional and ecological security of personnel of companies is substantiated.

Keywords: labor and health security of staff, labor security risk, HR project, occupational safety, communication, performance indicators.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 15.

Zhukovska Valentyna M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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